Automation of co2 generation plant at jubail 3a iwp,
Tycon Automation Pvt. Ltd. One-Stop Solutions for Industrial Automation.
Automation of Co2 Generation plant at Jubail 3A IWP, Saudi Arabia was provided by Tycon Automation Private Limited.
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Tycon Automation, Located in National Capital Region (Noida), is a leading solution provider of the Electrical & Automation domain covering most of the sectors in Electrical Energy, Power, Process Industries, Infrastructure and Building markets. Tycon develop and provide Control and Energy Management solutions that help our customer in managing their process and energy efficiently and easily.
Project Information
The CO2 package for the Jubail 3A Independent Water Project is designed to naturally acidify water by injecting carbonic acid in the water for remineralisation. For this process, two plants having capacity of 570 kg/hr each has been considered for CO2 generation system which has to produce food-grade CO2 (> 99.9% purity).
CO2 Package Principles and Operations:
CO2 Generation
Combustion System
Flue Gas Conditioning System
Desulphurization System
Amine System<br />
CO2 Compression System
CO2 Dehumidification and Purification System
CO2 Liquefaction and Process Tank.
Utility for CO2
Flue gas is produced by combustion of high-speed diesel with air. Ratio of air and oil is kept nearly stoichiometric. The generated flue gas in the combustion process, is washed with water in the Flue Gas Conditioning Column to remove particulates and to cool the flue gas. The gas is then passed through the Desulphurization column, to remove Sulphur based impurities by contacting it with Caustic Alkali solution. Then, the cooled and Sulphur free flue gas passes through the MEA absorption Column where CO2 gas is absorbed in cold lean aqueous MEA solution.
The CO2-rich MEA solution is now fed into the Desorption Column where CO2 gas is desorbed from rich MEA solution by heating. The heat source is available by the combustion of diesel in the reboiler that produces the flue gas. The CO2 gas along with steam from the desorption column is passed through the Gas Cooler from the desorption column. In the Gas Cooler, steam is condensed, and CO2 is cooled. This cooled CO2 gas flows to the separator where condensed water is separated and returned to the Absorption Column. Subsequently, the CO2 gas passed through the CO2 Conditioning Column where the remaining MEA entrainment have been removed and then further cooled by the CO2 Conditioning package Cooler to cools the gas before compression and removes condensed water from gas.
CO2 gas is compressed in the two-stage reciprocating compressor equipped with intercooler and moisture separator. The compressed CO2 gas is then dried in an automatic CO2 dryer and Dew point meter is installed after the dryer to maintain and monitor the moisture contain in the CO2 gas. The dried CO2 gas is now passed through the Activated Carbon Filter to remove organic impurities if any. From the Activated Carbon Filter, the gas flows to the CO2 Liquefier where CO2 gas is liquefied by refrigeration unit, and non-condensable impurities are removed. Then liquid CO2 is collected in the CO2 Process Tank, the generation of Liquid CO2 (LCO2) is complete at this stage.
From the CO2 Process Tank, LCO2 can be transferred to the CO2 Storage Tanks (CO2 dosing package) by means of the liquid CO2 Transfer Pump. The LCO2 transfer pump will automatically start and stop at pre-set level in process tank. Bank A (CO2 dosing package) will be filled by Process tank via LCO2 transfer pump and Bank B will be filled by Process tank via LCO2 transfer pump, provision for cross filling is also provided. After ensuring level in the storage tank (high level alarm is not active), operator will ensure manual inlet isolation valve of respective storage tank in open condition to make tank available for filling. After ensuring correct isolation valve open condition, operator must select the respective storage tank in PLC/HMI for ensuring operator attentiveness. Operator should also ensure that after LCO2 pumps starts, the level of LCO2 in the process tank will decrease as well as Selected Storage tank level will increase. The temperature/pressure of the CO2 process Tank is controlled automatically by Refrigeration Unit to maintain pressure with respect to the pressure/temperature in the tank.
Several utilities are employed for the purpose of the above process. High Speed Diesel is being used to produce CO2. Cooling water is circulated in the plant for the purpose of cooling various systems and equipment. Demineralised Water is continuously added inside the flue gas conditioning column and desulphurisation column to maintain the quality of circulating water/NaOH solution. Demineralized water is used in the system to maintain the level and concentration of solvent. Instrument air is used to operate pneumatically operated control and isolation valves. The plant is designed to operate on 4.5-7 kg/cm2 g dry instrument air. Instrument air must be oil-free, and the dew point does not exceed -30°C.
With an investment value of USD $650 million, the Jubail 3A Independent Water Plant (IWP) will generate 600,000 m3 of potable water/day - greatly contributing to Saudi efforts to ensure water security.
Desalination provides us with a tool that we can use to get water to those who need it the most.
When desalination plants pump water into their facility to start the processing work, it creates water movements that could be useful for turbine rotation. Placing usable hydropower technologies at these inlets could help us to generate power while gaining the advantage of more freshwater to use at the same time.
Designing documents and panels in adherence to international standards.
Maintaining the purity of CO2 in accordance with industry standards involves precise control over factors such as the ratio of diesel and air during the production process.
Electrical panels which are configured with PLC and HMI.
A redundant Schneider PLC was implemented to ensure uninterrupted process.
Successfully supplied and executed challenging project w.r.t. Control System architecture. Delivered Engineering, Services and Equipment as per Timeline, we cordially thanks M/s Gaslab Asia for providing this opportunity.